Playing our Part in Promoting Sustainability

Did you know that each tennis ball takes about 300 years to biodegrade? Every year, tennis players in Ireland and the UK put millions of tennis balls in landfill. It is estimated that globally, about 400 million tennis balls end up dumped each year. That's a lot of waste!

At Carrigaline Tennis Club, we want to play our part to promote sustainability. Until recently, our only option to reduce tennis ball waste was to donate some of the balls to charities for reuse. However, ultimately, these balls end up in landfill.  

While attending a webinar, organised by Tennis Ireland to promote sustainability in our sport, we became aware of a new Irish start up business called Dyuce, founded by Stephen Boylan. Dyuce has identified a solution for recycling tennis balls in Ireland that recycles the rubber and felt to be used in athletic footwear and equestrian paddocks. Dyuce offers a cost effective simple collection bin and subscription service for clubs who want to promote sustainability.  

Carrigaline Tennis Club is proud to be the first club in Munster to sign up for this initiative but hopefully, many more clubs will follow suit.  

So while we will continue to donate balls for training to H.A.R.T (Homeless Animal Rescue Team), we are delighted to be able to recycle with Dyuce - The Green Committee

Spring Open Tournament - Kitchen Duty

Thanks to all the kitchen committee for all the hard work they have done to date, and we are now on countdown to our spring open.
As usual every year the success of the open falls on a lot of members. A lot of work goes into the running of this event and the tournament committee, kitchen committee, green committee for example undertake a lot of work behind the scenes but without the help of the club members that help in the running of the kitchen and supplying salads and delicious baked goods it wouldn’t make the event as good as it is.
We appreciate very much all the help and time members provide volunteering in the kitchen and this year we have followed on from last year to make it a bit easier for everyone.
Menu has been simplified to just toasted sandwiches during the weekdays with some hot meals only after 4pm on the weekends
As per every year you can register HERE for times slots you can volunteer for and what days you can provide baked goods, cakes, and salads.
Alternatively, if like me a bit not inclined to use the app you can Txt Gina Molloy and let her know what availability you have, and she will in turn allocate you a slot.
The first 2 days of the tournament have been published so any members competing can see if you are scheduled to volunteer.
An email will go out on Tuesday so members volunteering can make themselves familiar with kitchen duties and procedures
Everyone’s help is very much appreciated so thanks in advance.

Active Age '50' Plus

Karen will be commencing with Active age Tennis for people over '50'.
This will be match play format in the form of doubles compass draw.
It will start at start at 10 to 12 this Friday the 23rd and will be restricted to 24 people.
It is currently open on eBooking so head to Friday the 23rd and click to book.

Friday Night Clinics & Saturday Matchplay

We will be commencing with Doubles coaching on Friday evenings for the month of February.
Just in time before the opens start in March.
4-week clinic €50 per person

The aim of this clinic and will be to primarily focus on the tactical side of doubles tennis.
The idea would be to complete this clinic with a partner you intend to compete with at the opens.
Please make sure if you intend to participate in the clinic that you are available on the following dates 2nd,9th,16th and 23rd

The following are some examples things this clinic will focus on -
• Positioning: Your court position can create pressure. For example, the returner’s partner should position themselves near the centre service line to protect against middle volleys.
• Opportunity and Danger Assessment: The net player should balance watching the baseliner for attacking chances and the opposing net player for defensive positioning.
• Entice with the Line: Tempt opponents with the down-the-line shot. It’s a high-risk option for them, and you can capitalize on their errors.
• Avoid Ball-Following: Focus on the opponents rather than the ball. This approach saves time and allows for quicker reactions at the net.
• Server’s Partner’s Role: The server’s partner should aim to attack the return, considering poaching or intercepting, especially on a centre or T serve.
• Communication: Use hand signals to plan each point, deciding on serve direction, spin, and the net player’s movement.
Cian Blake will undertake the grades 2,3 and 4 session for this four-week term.
Karen Holmes and Alan Kelly will undertake the graded 5 and 6’s for the 4-week term also.

4 pairings only per time slot.
Men’s doubles 6pm to 7pm Grade 2,3 and Grade 4
Mixed doubles 7pm to 8pm Grade 2,3 and Grade 4
Ladies’ doubles 8pm to 9pm Grade 2,3 and Grade 4

6 pairings only per time slot
Ladies doubles G5/G6 6pm to 7pm 
Mixed doubles G5/G6 7pm to 8pm 
Mens doubles G5/G6 8pm to 9pm 

Men’s and Ladies doubles will swap time slots each week so if men doubles is at 6pmon the 2nd, it will change to 8pm on the 9th.

To accompany the doubles clinic Mark Cunningham will run a match play style format on Saturday mornings as part of the Hitting practice for the month of February to let people practice if they are attending the clinics.
Alternatively, if you can’t get a place on the Friday night clinic this is a great opportunity to get some coaching from Mark on doubles format.
Saturday morning coaching will open per usual on a Sunday night.
Grade 6 at 9am 
Grade 5- 2 at 10am 
Limited to 12 people  
Cost €5

The Friday night clinics will be first come first served basis so if you are interested in attending it must be as a pairing and both people committed to the 4 weeks.
Please email me at if you are interested in attending the clinics.
If Friday or Saturday doesn’t suit you we are looking at a 5 O’clock option on Wednesdays , please email me if Wednesday would be an option for anyone also.

Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting of Carrigaline Tennis Club will take place on Monday 27th November in the Carrigaline Court Hotel at 8pm.  The committee requests that as many members as possible would attend. This is the forum to put forward any ideas or voice any opinions that you may have relating to your club.
There is a link to Documents relating to the meeting under the main menu of this website. Members are requested to read these documents before attending the meeting.
Access details will be emailed to each member.

Kitchen - Astra Summer Open Tournament 2023

Thanks to the Kitchen Committee for all the hard work they have done to date.
As usual every year the success of the open falls on a lot of members. A lot of work goes into the running of this event and the tournament committee, kitchen committee, green committee for example undertake a lot of work behind the scenes but with out the help of the club members that help in the running of the kitchen it wouldn’t make the event as good as it is.
We appreciate very much all the help and time members provide volunteering in the kitchen and this year we have tried to make it a bit easier for everyone.
Menu has been simplified to just toasted sandwiches during the weekdays, First weekend we have a catering truck on site so only cakes, sweets, soft drinks, and alcohol will be on sale in the kitchen.
Semi final nights we have a BBQ on both nights also so no food being served in the kitchen either of these nights also. 

As per every year you can register on the SignUp App and pick suitable times slots that you can volunteer for and what days you can provide baked goods, cakes, and salads.
Register & Sign Up Here
Alternatively, if you are not inclined to use the app you can Text Gina Molloy  and let her know what availability you have, and she will in turn allocate you a slot.
Everyone’s help is very much appreciated so thanks in advance.

Green Team

In February the Green Team had a Brainstorming Meeting with club members to plan for 2023.  
The main areas of focus for 2023 were:
· Reduce Energy Use
· Waste Reduction
· Biodiversity
· Green House Keeping

Notice to Members - Court Availability and Court Rules

As we are now getting into the Winter League Season (Junior and Senior) the courts are beginning to get busy again. Here is a quick reminder on some important club rules:
3-hour peak period
All members can only play 3 hours during the peak hours of 6-9pm Monday to Thursday. This has been observed very well by all members and is very much appreciated. We are looking into ways that we can somehow make peak courts not booked within a reasonable timeframe (such as the 9pm slots) available to those who might have played 3 times and who might wish to avail.
All names are required on the E-booking system. We ask that those playing doubles to try to have all names on the booking 24 hours in advance of playing.
Cancelling Courts
A quick reminder to try to cancel any courts not needed as quickly as possible so that others may avail of that court in good time.
For weekend Court Hours, Peak & Off Peak - please ensure you are familiar with the rules available HERE 

Club Cleanup