Covid-19 Updates. Important Information for Members 

On this page you will find all the latest updates and protocols that Members will have to adhere to in order to provide a safe environment for all. The page will be updated regularly with the latest updates issued by the Covid-19 Committee

Covid-19 Update - 13th November 2021

In light of recent increases in spread of Covid, the Covid-19 Committee would like to remind Members of the following:
  • Please do not come to the Club if you have Covid Symptoms (Unless you’ve had a recent PCR test/ not an Antigen test) 
  • Access to Clubhouse is restricted. 
  • Toilets are available to use, Kitchen will remain closed and limited to Volunteers for Events. (E.G. Winter league etc) 
  • Toilets are available for use but limited to two people at a time. 
  • Masks to be worn at all times in the Clubhouse 
  • Continue with good hygiene practices (wash/sanitise hands, cover mouth when sneezing etc) 
  • Maintain Social Distancing 
  • It is advisable to wear a mask if standing outdoors for an extended period in close proximity to others 
For Winter League/Pet Essentials/MCAL/KBS Matches:
  • Veranda to be reserved for Winter League/Pet Essentials/MCAL/KBS teams only. 
  • Showers available for Winter League Teams. 
  • Windows to remain open when areas are in use

Latest Tennis Ireland Updates - 5th May 2021

Latest Update - Return to Tennis & Travel - 15th April 2021

Given the almost Daily Updates to the requirements relating to International Travel, the following protocol has been deemed appropriate to Access the Courts under Level 5 Restrictions. 
A member must

  • Not be subject to a Quarantine Restriction as per the Department of Foreign Affairs Travel protocols. For more information visit 
  • Those who come back to Ireland from any Country not designated a Category 2 State, must Quarantine at home and may exit Quarantine with a negative or 'not detected' PCR test taken 5 days following their arrival at the earliest. 
Tennis Ireland Guide for Tennis Clubs, Players and Coaches during Level 5 of the COVID-19 Restrictions

Tennis Ireland Update - 10th April 2021

Here is the latest update from Tennis Ireland regarding our imminent return to Tennis. There will be restrictions as outlined below and the Club's COVID-19 committee will be meeting over the next while to ensure that everything is ready for a seamless return to the courts.
We will keep you updated as we hear more details.  

On 30th March 2021, An Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, announced that Tennis activities can return from 26th April 2021.
Following engagement with the Department of Sport Expert Group, Tennis Ireland has developed a Practical Guide for Tennis Clubs, Players and Coaches that will guide participation in compliance with the protocols issued by Government.
All stakeholders must ensure that they familiarise themselves with the protocols outlined in the document and ensure that they are followed, in full, so that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is minimised.
Please read the Practical Guide for Tennis Clubs, Players and Coaches during Level 5 of the Covid-19 Restrictions – Effective from 26thApril 2021 which can be downloaded.

The key points are as follows - 

  • From 26 April outdoor Tennis Facilities can reopen 
  • To access Club Courts, Players must be a current Member or a participant on an approved Tennis Ireland Programme 
  • Indoor Courts must remain closed (with an exception for High Performance Players) 
  • Double’s play is allowed, if playing partners are from the same household. 
  • Club Houses and other indoor facilities (for example: changing rooms, showers, meeting rooms), must remain closed. 
  • Essential Toilet Facilities may open. 
  • Gyms and Swimming Pools must remain closed. 
  • From 12th  April 2021, travel is permitted within your own County or within 20km of your home if crossing County boundaries. 
  • Coaches should prepare and present a Risk Assessment document and get approval to coach from the Club Covid 19 Committee. 
  • A pod, up to a maximum of six Junior Players (u18 yrs.), can be coached per Court. 
  • A maximum of four Junior Players (u18 yrs.) can operate on the Court at any one time while remaining in their own sections of the Court with up to two other Players rotating in and out as required. 
  • A pod of eight Players per Court is allowable for red ball activities, subject to social distancing protocols being implemented. 
  • Adult (Over 18 yrs.) coaching activities must be limited to a maximum of two households per court. Players must remain in their own sections of the court. 
  • Tennis Ireland measures and procedures are under constant review and will be updated as advice from Government and health authorities evolves and they will endeavour to keep Clubs updated.

Tennis Ireland Update 23rd February 2021

The Taoiseach, earlier this evening, provided an update to the nation on the situation as it pertains to COVID-19 and the Level 5 restrictions that are currently in place.
While he announced that the phased return of schools will get underway from next Monday, 1st March, the Taoiseach also announced that the Cabinet has agreed to extend the current Level 5 COVID-19 restrictions until the 5th April.
Unfortunately, this means, that even though Tennis is a naturally socially distanced and safe activity, clubs are required to remain closed.
We are aware of the impact that the restrictions are having on the physical and mental health of individual members, young and old, and the financial impact they are having on coaches and clubs. We would have liked restrictions to be lifted without delay but, according to the Taoiseach, there is a need to minimise the opportunities for people to travel and gather in order to suppress the virus and this must be respected.
The Taoiseach did outline that should there be an improvement in the situation, the Government will examine the possibility of easing restrictions on outdoor gatherings and certain sporting activities in advance of the 5th April date.
Tennis Ireland is working closely with a range of non-contact sports such as rowing, cycling, canoeing, sailing, athletics and golf to co-ordinate efforts with Sport Ireland and Government to allow our sport to open as soon as possible. We are also engaging with Sport NI to get an update on the status of the restrictions in Northern Ireland.
We will continue to work on behalf of our clubs and their members and will keep you informed of any developments.
Richard Fahey - Chief Executive Tennis Ireland

Members Please Note - Covid-19 Update 28th December 2020

Regretfully the Club has received the email notification below from Tennis Ireland. Only pairings from the same household allowed in doubles. All games starting from tomorrow that do not meet this criteria must be cancelled.
Carrigaline Tennis Club

Dear President / Secretary / General Manager,
Please note that following the receipt of additional guidance from Sport Ireland, the Level 5 Protocols which came into force on 24th December have been updated for the Republic of Ireland.
With immediate effect, participants in unsupervised / un-coached activity should be from a maximum of 2 households. This means that outdoor doubles play is not permitted unless a partner is from the same household.
As previously advised, no doubles play is allowed indoors.

Return to Play - 1st December 2020

Tennis will resume on Tuesday December 1st 2020 and operate under Level 3 Guidelines for Covid-19, which is where we were prior to this current lockdown. Before returning to the Club, please familiarise yourself with the Document BelowCourt Bookings
Court Bookings are back on their normal schedule.
Please ensure from a contact tracing point of view that all names are on the court booking system. This is extremely important.

Cardio and Ladders
Cardio can resume whenever the groups concerned want to start. Ladders remain suspended for now.

Covid-19 Protocols
It is very important that every member plays their part in helping prevent the spread of Covid.
Use hand sanitizer going in and out of the courts and when entering the club house.
Still no guests allowed.
Club house still closed except for emergency use and for putting in tokens. Please have one member of your group enter the club house for lights and don’t congregate at the entrance. 
Most importantly if you don’t feel well or have been a close contact with someone who has had covid please follow the HSE guidelines and isolate.

More information from Tennis Ireland on the Reopening.
Thanks for your continued support and Welcome Back.

Level 5 Restrictions, 24th October 2020 - Covid-19 

Sadly there is no Adult Tennis permitted for the next 6 weeks.

On the positive side Junior coaching can resume. Juniors can continue with their coaching program but can only be present in the club with a coach.

Details of level 5 restrictions are HERE.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back soon.

Covid -19 Guideline Documents

Members, Please familiarise yourself with the content of the latest Documents below.

Covid-19 Update - 17th August 2020

Just a quick reminder to our Members on some of the important Covid-19 protocols.

Returning from abroad 
As per Government guidelines if you arrive in Ireland from any country outside the green list you are being asked to restrict your movements for 14 days. We would ask all members to follow this guideline and not visit the club during that 14-day period.

Booking a court – Doubles
Please continue to ensure that are all names are on the booking sheet. The club is committed to following official HSE/Government/Tennis Ireland guidelines regarding contact tracing. We would ask all members to abide by this rule. Not having credit in your account is not a valid reason to not having all names on the booking sheet.

The club policy at the moment is still not to allow guests in the club.

Club house/Hand Sanitizer
The Club house is still closed except for emergency use only and for organised events. Please bring plenty of water as going into the Club house to get water is not a valid reason. Please ensure you continue to use the hand sanitizer at each court entrance when going in and out.

The efforts made by all members has allowed us to restart at lot of activities such as Hitting practice/Social events and ladders. It’s important that we adhere strictly to the guidelines in order to keep these activities running.

If you have any concerns, please contact any member of the committee.

Covid-19 Phase 3 Guidelines - Carrigaline Tennis Club - 29th June 2020

Doubles is back as you probably know! Tennis Ireland have advised that we can play doubles again as part of the Phase 3 protocols.

You will find a list of all Recommendations for Phase 3 on the Tennis Ireland Website. We ask all members to read and adhere to the Recommendations.

The Covid Committee met today to review all recommendations and felt that at this stage it is not possible to implement all of these at this moment. Please bear with us as we work out the safest and fairest way for us to do this. Below is a summary of what changes are coming into effect and which ones are still on hold pending further review.

What's Changing?

Both singles play and doubles play is now permitted with people from outside of your household, so long as you remain 2 metres apart as much as possible

Players do not now need to use their own clearly marked tennis balls.

If you choose to use shared balls then extra care must be taken to ensure you do not touch your face during play, and you should clean / sanitise your hands before play, during play (Particularly after Serving) and immediately after finishing.

Internal club competitions will be run subject to appropriate protocols. More announcements will follow very shortly on what internal events are being organised by the club.

What’s not changing?

Visitors/Guest Players are NOT ALLOWED FOR NOW due to the very high demand for Courts at present. This will be reviewed in the future.

The Clubhouse will not open up at present. The toilet is available when needed but we ask players to minimise use to emergencies only. We do plan to have the Clubhouse open for all upcoming internal/Social events.

Consecutive court bookings are not allowed to minimise the requirement for toilet usage between games.

All names must be included on each court booking. If you get a sub, you must change the name on the booking.

Maintain social distancing, clean your hands, avoid unnecessary contact, do not play if feeling unwell.

Members should be encouraged to remind other members of the guidelines, in a gentle way, when they witness poor practices.

Again, please enjoy the return to doubles. Please continue to observe all of the guidelines in the club...more people means a higher risk, making the guidelines more important than ever.

Thanks for your brilliant and continuing support

Covid Committee

COVID-19 Phase 2 Update for Carrigaline Tennis Club

  • Members can travel from within Cork County in this phase 
  • It has been decided that the Clubhouse Toilet Facilities will remain unavailable until the end of Phase 2 (except in Medical Emergencies) 
  • Members over 16 years no longer need adult supervision when playing. 
Please refer to Tennis Ireland Guidelines - Tennis Ireland Welcomes Progression to Phase 2 of the Roadmap to Reopening Society

Update - Sunday 17th May 2020

The Club appreciates that you will have received a lot of information in the past two weeks regarding returning to play. While it is unfortunate that everyone cannot return to play tomorrow we are hopeful that restrictions will ease in the coming weeks. For those who can return to play, we have compiled a short guide covering; 

  • What to do before leaving home
  • Where to park when you get to the club
  • Going on court
  • Playing safely
  • Getting home safely 

The Covid 19 committee and main committee will be on hand during the first week to assist players in understanding the current guidelines.

Please contact the Covid-19 committee if you have any questions.

Eddie Pierce, Alan Kelly. Maria Marrinan. Ken Murphy. Ger O’Sullivan, Noel Ronayne

Before Leaving Home

1.       Ensure that your booking has your name and the name of your opponent (very important for contact tracing)

2.       Ensure you have 3 marked balls which can be easily identified (see Tennis Ireland recommendations on tennis balls below)

3.       Check which court you’re playing on. You need to park close to the court. See map below

4.       Bring water with you. Taps are turned off at the club

5.       It is strongly recommended that you bring your own hand sanitizer.

6.       Go to the bathroom if needed! No access to clubhouse

7.       Follow Tennis Ireland Stay at home policies

When You Arrive At The Club

1.       Park in the designated parking area for your court (see attached parking layout. Look out for signs when you get there)

2.       Wait at your car until others leave

3.       When the court has been vacated, sanitize your hands

4.       Enter court using your racket to open and close the gate.

5.       Do not drop your bag close to your opponents

On the Court - Playing

1.       Physical distancing should be observed throughout the period of play, particularly on change of ends and entering and exiting the court

2.       Players must refrain from handshakes and high fives or other contact 

3.       Each player brings their own marked balls and only serves with these. 

4.       Players should use their racquet / foot to pick up balls and hit them to their opponent or adjacent court and should avoid using their hands to pick up the balls. 

5.       Players should remain apart from other players when taking a break. 

6.       Leave you court on time and avoid contact with oncoming players. 

Clubhouse is out of bounds but First aid kit is available inside the main door for EMERGENCIES ONLY

Getting Home Safely

1.       Once play has finished players should leave the premises promptly, sanitising their hands on the way out using a courtside dispenser.

2.       If a player becomes unwell after playing, they should first contact their GP/HSE and then inform their club.

Update To Return To Play Guidance For Over 70's

See latest Update from Tennis Ireland. Over 70s now allowed to play!

Links to Tennis Ireland Updates & Guide for Players

Tennis Ireland Covid-19 Updates
Tennis Ireland - Covid-19 Guidance for Tennis Players during Phase 1 of the Roadmap for Reopening Society

Tennis Ireland recommendation for Tennis Balls

Practice caution with the Tennis Balls

  • Although there is no specific evidence that tennis balls can spread COVID-19, we know that contamination from respiratory droplets from an infected person can potentially survive on hard surfaces for up to three days.
  • Replace balls if someone suspected of having COVID 19 comes in contact with them
  • Consider spraying balls with a disinfectant spray at the conclusion of play. Using new balls on a very regular basis is highly encouraged

eMail # 1

Please read the attached email #1 from the Covid-19 Committee

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